
county fair. 2013 edition.

it's a tradition. but we missed last year...
does that mean we have to start over?

ah well.

nick wanted to win a prize. i remember back in high school, when we went to great america, he loved playing games and was pretty good at winning too!

his luck wasn't so good today. maybe it was the baby strapped to his chest?

beans on the other hand, did great. he was a winning machine. must get that from his dad. :)

and he wanted to ride every ride. seriously. the kid has no fear. i really wish i hadn't been on restrictions and could have done some with him. next year!

met jerbear, bri, and grandma bear.

no words. but this did start a giant texting marathon with a few girlfriends. then it continued when they went to the fair and would take pictures and send some hair scratching moments they saw too!

ben wanted to go up there. auntie bri took him. yay!

another head scratcher that i texted...

mister cutie pants.

pretties. didn't realize i got nick, melie, and his dad in the picture when i took it!

waiting for the bumper cars.

he loved this roller coaster. rode it like 5 times. at least.

then we took a bunch of family photos. love that jer bear is holding the giant root beer bottle!

family photo!

nick told me to take this one and send to the girlfriends. ;)

ben wanted to do this one... he was too short. and momma isn't that brave!

potato tornado. was yummy with the fresh parm. and easier to eat that some fair food!

patiently waiting to drive again!

more games. crazy how easy they can make it look!

she loved the carrier. hardly a peep out of her. love that she held onto nick's shirt for most of the night.

one last game...

winner winner!

i think ben came home with at least 5 stuffed animals. he has an obsession with them. they all sleep with him in his tent. i should count how many he has... maybe it should be it's own post! 

really glad we were able to make it out to the fair. glad we went despite the dreary weather forecast. turned out to be a perfect evening.

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