
ten on tuesday 5.8.12

- i needed a break. so i took one. sorry for no post yesterday.

- i recently read a book titled rumor has it. i sang the adele song every time i picked up the darn book!

- am beyond proud of nick. nothing crazy happened. i just am. xo!

- double standards are bull shit. that is all. ;)

- lost power for an extended period of time with the storms that rolled through sunday evening. first time in nine years. and it was back on in under two hours. i was impressed since it was still storming like crazy and was about 1 am!

- my kid was a rock star during the above mentioned storms.

- so glad that my miss kim bloomed early. had free flowers to take in for teacher appreciation week at ben's school! {they gave us instructions on what to do each day of the week... what is that?}

- my husband is a goofball. {yes i know i just praised him a few bullets earlier. whatever.} met him after work to do some quick shopping. then he was to come home and start the grill for dinner and i was going to pick ben up from daycare and meet him at home. i get to daycare and guess who is there? yuppers. nick. sigh! he just laughed and was like, 'oh yeah. i totally forgot. i'm a dork.'

- and to share my dorkiness... went to get some m & m's {another item for teacher appreciation week} and purposely put down the peanut ones since ben's school is peanut free. and tonight when i'm getting them ready i noticed that i bought the peanut ones. oops!

- made this for ben. it's a hit. and holy cow are velcro dots expensive. thank goodness for joann's coupons!

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