
pinterest project. {april 1012}

i have to admit, i wasn't too sure about the projects that were picked for this month. we ended up doing two, but i only have pics of the one. it was my favorite. and i went out and purchased a bunch more towels, to make some more as little pressies. so easy. so cute. ;)

it's a toiletry holder made from kitchen towels. i believe we were supposed to use hand towels. who knew there was such a big difference?! so i just cut the kitchen towel in half and made two from one. {i bought the ones with the grids, so i had a template of where to sew. my lines might have been hella crazy if i didn't!}

here's the first one i did.
with some sewing tools inserted into the pouches for a visual. {and they're just unedited iphone pics, so nothing fancy...}

and this was what i had done at the end of the night. five different ones. the ribbon to tie them closed was added at a later time, so they are pictured without. but it's pretty darn nifty, if i do say so myself!

love that you can make the pouches whatever sizes you want. can be totally customized. now i just have to find a few moments, to whip up a few more!

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