
pinterest goodies.

i'm a pinterest addict.
and instead of just pinning away, i've actually done/used a few of the things that i've pinned! yay.

so i think i should share a few of my favorites. 

- a trick for keeping berries fresh. i just did this. worked like a charm. my blueberries and raspberries are still beautiful and i bought them friday. normally they wouldn't last the weekend.
- corn dog muffins. these were delicious. i did cut the hot dogs into smaller pieces and put two in each muffin. might chop them finely next time and see how that works.
- one of the best purchases i have made {ben-wise}.
- found this running list. 200 songs. for free! started using it last week. love that it has such a variety of music.

- i have also linked previously to a few things. the oatmeal smoothie and those coconut chocolate muffins...
- nick also made me a pallet bookshelf. he used the leftover pallets from the mulch for ben's playground. it's still a work in progress. should give the completed project its own post...
- i'm making this and this within the next week or so. oh and i will make these in the near future too. hopefully, this weekend!
- i also have a project for home that i'm itching to complete. just gotta find time to thrift and then buy the items that i need. so once that's done, i'll share the whole, completed thing.

okay. i think i'm back on the blogging band wagon. fingers crossed i can keep it up. now if only i could get the energy to upload some photos....

1 comment:

Pinterest Goodies said...

Wow it seems as though Pinterest has really cut its work out for you Shannon. :) I just can't stop making those Pinterest goodies either!