
quotes. february 2011 edition.

~ curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification. - sarah scott.

~ it is an amazing thing, the difference to one's powers of concentration a pair of comfortable shoes can make. - laurie r. king.

~ each moment in time we have it all, even when we think we don't. - melody beattie

~ courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point. - c.s. lewis

~ wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants. - esther de waal

~ if you're going to play the game properly you'd better know every rule.  - barbara jordan {this one's for nick! ;P}

~ reclaiming the belly laugh can cure a world of woes. - jamie sams

~ when nothing is sure everything is possible. - margaret drabble

~ it is easier to know man in general than to know one man in particular. - duc de la rochefoucauld

~ people need joy quite as much as clothing. some of them need it far more. - margaret collier graham

~ they know enough who know how to learn. - henry adams

~ growth is the only evidence of life. - john henry newman

~ keep a thing seven years and it's bound to come in handy. - russian proverb

~ sooner or later we will all quote our mothers. - bern williams

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I'm thinking that some of my things are a bit overdue on that russian proverb! LOL!

I had just seen that comfortable shoes quote a few days ago; very true!

I <3 quotes. These are great ones.