
10 months!

-still only has his two teeth.
-is rolling like crazy.
-gets up on all fours and rocks.
-'dances' to the music. {video soon!}
-loves balls and books.
-says mama, dada, and kitty. loves to talk!
-working on learning 'more' in sign language.
-is a huge fan of table food! will grab it right off your plate...
-loves peek a boo.
-would take baths all day, every day.
-wakes us in the morning with babble. not cries! ;o)
-enjoys being out and about. loves it! 

and now for the pictures. not so many this month...

did not want to take a picture with mr. panda.

had to bribe him with a binky!

my new favorite picture!

a shot of him in action. the boy is always moving!

daddy making sure he doesn't fall off the chair!



Liz Goldhawk said...

Love the pic of him sitting with panda (and had to laugh at the first crying one). Love the point form summary of him right now... super cutie!

Michelle said...

Ben is to cute. Mr Panda is looking a little small these days.Still love the hair.I do love him sitting in the chair.