
the olympics are coming...

yippee!! i love them. i think it is so great and would be so awesome to be one of the best at what i do. nick and i have a trip to the olympics on our list of things to do before we die!
we were trying to figure out which we prefered: winter or summer. and what sport we would want to be the best at. nick's was easy. volleyball. seriously, that would be cool. look at kerri walsh and misty may. but then there is the whole girly aspect: gymnastics, figure skating. but how kick butt would it be to be a snowboarder. to do all those crazy tricks? but then again it's cold and i'm not such a big fan of that!
so i honestly haven't a clue what i would want to be good at. maybe that is why i'm not at the olympics. because if i did know what i wanted to do i would be phenomenal at it and be in torino or where-ever!
it's funny because everyone is asking what we are doing for my birthday. if we have any big plans. my answer. nope! i want to lay at home and watch the opening ceremonies. take in as much of the olympics as i can. gorge on food and dream of what could have been! ;)
saturday we are going downtown with jay and chris for dinner. and sunday we are hanging with the 'rents. haven't a clue about his side. but then again, i'm not really worried about it! i did take the day off from work. the first time in my work history! should be nice! maybe do lunch with nicholas. we shall see.
thanks for all the kind comments on the room and hair. i will share more pictures soon. the room is pretty much done! weeeeee!
so back to the topic: olympics. what would you want to be the best at????


Stacey said...

Maybe track and field, basketball, I'm definitely a summer girl.
You are more than welcome to come to my party.....I think it would only be about a 7 hour drive =). Nothing like a road trip to IA. You are more than welcome to order by book if you'd like. The party might be more fun though =). Is it your birthday today? If so Happy Birthday!

Meredith said...

Too funny! I had to laugh at the very TRUE comment about wanting to gorge on food and dream of what might have been. LOL!

Happy Birthday lady!

Anonymous said...

Love the Olympics! You can come as my guest to the Olympic party we're going too, just have to bring 'food' to represent a country, any country. Don't know what sport tho.


p.s. Have a super birthday!

Anonymous said...

Very coincidently DS had his first ski lesson at the weekend - absolutely loved it, the faster the better but a total nightmare for anyone in his way - wish i had some of his spirit! Anyway, the particular skifield just happens to be where the world's current #1 and #4 in the world learnt to snowboard! And their Uncle works the skilift there...whilst running off rolls of film of DS I was chatting to him about his "family" fame.. it was so interesting hearing of their training, routines etc. The whole family naturally are "snow" addicts including him at 68! Anyway after hearing the gruelling schedule they have had (one starting at age 17) I would NOT choose snowboarding :-) Do they have a scrapping section LOL??? I'd go for basketball - they always need a short person to get between the legs of those giants!
ps HAPPY first BIRTHDAY as a Brunette!

TracyDacy said...

I LOVE the Olympics too - both summer and winter. In the winter I love to watch speed skating and the relays in the summer. Why? Because I love to look a the bodies - they are sooooo beautifully toned. You can see their muscles flex just when they walk. I also love figure skating and gymnastics too and if I could choose to be the best in any sport, it would be one of those two.

Happy birthday!