- weighs 12 pounds 8 ounces and is 22 inches long. {aka is a chubby midget. 70th percentile on weight, 4th for length!}
- is eating lots and lots. 4 ounces every two to five hours. that five hours is rare and mostly at night!
- is starting to get into a bedtime routine.
- still loves his baths. especially when daddy fills the tub too full and he splashes water everywhere.
- continues to nap in his bouncer. thought about moving him upstairs for naps, but think this might be easier on my mom this summer when she babysits. check out the bink hanging out of his mouth while napping... ignore the shadows. ;o)
- is not napping as long as we would like. has a hard time falling back to sleep after he wakes himself up!
- is talking like crazy. one of his favorites is 'ah-goo'
- is a morning baby. that's when he's most smiley. ;o)
- learned how to suck his thumb and loves to have his hands in his mouth.
- is kicking bootay in the head control department. wee man's almost got full control. when he gets sleepy, he tends to head butt!
- has thankles. forget cankles. that boy's legs are chunky.
- loves to go on walks. just looks at everything. and totally enjoys the breeze!
- still fits in 0-3 mo. clothing.
- loves ellie the elephant that the banaszaks gave him! he can watch that thing for hours!
- is a kick monster.... or dances on the floor. whichever you prefer.
and now for the pics...
the comparison photo. he is sooo big! i promise a side by side of the past three of these soon!

some random close ups after the photo shoot with mr. panda bear...
making his 'o' face.
and i really liked this one but the lighting sucked. so black and white it is...
mr. happy pants rocking some killer socks he received as a gift. thanks john and laura!

check out those chunksters.