grandmas! well, my grandma. the only grandparent i have left...
i remember in college i had an anatomy and physiology practical and my car wouldn't start. i freaked out. well, that would be an understatement. i called my grandma panicked. you see, my mom and dad were both at work. nick was at college and all of my other college friends went to school early to study. when i called, i woke her up. it was probably 10 am. but my grandma is a rebel and doesn't believe in the old people get up early in the morning theory! so she says she will pick me up and take me to school. {i'll figure out how to get home later!}
well here comes my seventy something year old grandma tearing around the corner like a bat out of hell, hair all askew. she threw open the door and told me to jump in. i swear, she barely came to a stop! i made it to the damn practical and probably flunked. i so hated those things but knew they would never let me take it on another day.
she's a hoot. has awesome stories. and i recently told her that i wanted to sit with her to record all of them and maybe even start a heritage album. she was such a sweetie that for my birthday she gave me her mother's wedding rings. how cool is that? vintage. from the 1900s. so cool to own that little piece of our family history...
but in typical shannon fashion, i have strayed from what i wanted to share.
nick's car has been making a noise. good times, i know. mitsubishi wanted to charge a whole freaking torso not just an arm and a leg so i had him call our reliable car guy. long story short.. they can save us almost $1,000 dollars.
so we drop off the car yesterday morning and i drive him to work. so nice that we work so close together! the guy then says that he can have it fixed by today but will need it overnight. hmmm. shannon has a meeting the complete opposite direction. that ain't gonna fly for the morning commute. so we call grandma who so generously lets us borrow her car.
she's moving. across the hall but moving nonetheless. the third time in this one apartment building. yes we are hungarian. i believe she has that gypsy in her! so i feel horrible asking her this in case she needs to run out and get anything but she says i have my 'boyfriend'/'fiance' whatever. he will take me where ever i need. that and the fact that her stove isn't hooked up! i cooked dinner for her last night.. burgers to go!
so great. we have a car. get to work no problems. but now the guy finds out he needs another part and that won't be there until maybe next thursday. seriously? is it coming from japan itself? i mean, in this day in age. a week for shipping?
we call grandma to tell her and she says no worries. keep it as long as she needs. how sweet is she? just love her to pieces and am so thankful that she's still a part of our lives.
now i'm trying to figure out how to send her flowers since she hasn't changed her buzzer over yet!