
a new language...

i finally finished my sign language classes. 12 classes at 2 hours each over and done with. i'm so happy that i took the classes and so glad that they are over. i'm undecided if i want to take level III in the fall. not sure if dr. barai will continue to foot the bill....not sure it matters since it really isn't that much money. i just know right now i need a break.
sign language amazes me....so cool. so hard! i have learned so much over these past months and really want to stick with it and practice and self teach. it's frustrating to think i really don't know that much even though it seems like i do.... i feel like i should know more. but when you think about it 2 hours once a week is hardly any time at all. it's impossible to learn a language well that quickly. only 24 hours over the past 3 months...not enough. i want to continue to grow. to continue to learn. to have some stick-to-it-ive-ness!!!
i've debated rewarding myself with a gift. i found an awesome stamp set on ebay...sign language of course. really want to buy it, just not sure how much i will actually use it. it's just so darn cool. click the title for the link...not computer savvy enough to stick it here!!! ;)

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Cool! I didn't know you were doing that! I've always wanted to do something like that and learn some sign language, but I've never had the time. That is so wonderful...