

describes my feelings as of late. no clue what my deal is. just have no motivation what-so-ever. kinda sucks. but sometimes it's kinda nice to be lazy. hoping this phase will pass soon! maybe springing ahead will help. not that i'm not already enjoying sunlight until 6pm because i so am. kinda makes me giddy when i get up in the morning and the sun is out and when i get home at night it's still out. and yes, i use double negatives. ;0P
thinking my bubble gut is returning as well. been talking more about the house{s} lately and my stomach hates me. i don't really think i'm worrying, but i guess i am.
been delving into some other recreational activities. that sounds wrong. just meaning not scrapping as much. been reading, doing sudoku again, trying and failing miserably at crossword puzzles {i blame wordplay}, and have been using the heck out of that library card of mine {check out reading rainbow in the sidebar if you're interested in what i mindlessly select at the library}. aiming for a book a week. kinda nice. don't get me wrong, i'm not gonna give up my scrapping. want to make sure i make time for other things. i've always been a bookworm and puzzle freak. just trying to find a compromise i guess.
still planning on yoga tomorrow. maybe that will relax me. who knows!
oh and have done pilates before. winsor pilates to be more specific. did it about 4-5 years ago. loved it. just kinda fell out of it. i guess my whole fear with yoga was the group activity factor. helped that the lights were off! really want to get back into pilates, just have to figure out how to use the vcr downstairs. darn technology! also heard a lot about the ten minute tapes. might have to look into those too!


Kache said...

The lights are out during yoga? That made me laugh. Good for you on using your library card. I've finally finished one book recently, and have 2 started/not completed just sitting there mocking me.

Anonymous said...

Good for you on breaking out the library card. I've been doing that more myself. Finished two books in four days. Just need to make time to go there more often.

Hope bubble gut gets better for you.

Susan said...

I think the last book I read, for myself that is, was the last HP!...and that soduko crap scrambles my mind!