
the porn star cat....

is bulemic. eats and vomits and yet she's still quite voluptuous. so she's left us surprises in some not nice places. shoes, slippers, boxes. would love her more if she did it on the wood floors. makes for much easier clean up.
today nick gets home and is laughing. telling me i need to see what nibbies did. i know it's vomit. just not where. that's just what she does...
walk downstairs and am searching the floors. then i see it. not on the ground. but on our end table. are you kidding me? she's never on our tables or countertops. so great that she planned it out. hmmm. where haven't i left mommy and daddy a present? oh i know. the glass end tables! seriously what the heck is wrong with her?


Kache said...

poor kitty! mine will run from the linoleum kitchen floor and aim right for the new carpeting!

Susan said...

at least the table surface is easier to clean up...whenever I hear the dog starting to wretch I drag her by the collar out side and let her do it on the lawn, now she goes and wretches by the door and waits to be dragged out

Colleen said...

ugh. that stinks. might want to send her to Kitty Rehab for that bulimia problem.

I gag while having to clean up those things. Totally can't handle it! Blech!

Brandy said...

Sorry you're having that problemo, we had that sort of issue with Babycat when we had her. She would pee on everything and leave poop in phenomenal places like our pillow. Totally like a chocolate mint, but totally not

Anonymous said...

Eww!! Gagging just reading about it.


Stacey said...

Betty the crazy Idaho cat had the same issue, except with pee...she now lives outside =)

Heather said...

okay, I was laughing when reading your post, and now I'm laughing more at the chocolate mint reference... I knew Bran would say something about babycat. rofl

I agree- at least it was a nonporous surface! :P

Unknown said...

Poor kitty for being sick, poor you for having to find all the little "present" all over :(

And thanks Brandy, no more Andes mints for me! LOL