
a few randoms for the road...

so we don't leave until monday morning, early. but i think it's gonna be a crazy few days and wasn't sure about another update when full blown panic mode strikes!
-nick's work actually had the nerve to ask him to cancel his vacation. when did they ask? today. wtf? he of course said no. so lots of chaos for him trying to train his coverage. should come back to a big ole mess... but hopefully it will be worth it.
-haven't packed. have some lists around here: to do and to pack are the main ones.
-been working on some design team stuff for byom and rsc. by the way, the byom kit is uber fun. and i saw a sneakie preview of the next rsc issue... looks fabulous! they both make me wish i had more time right now to scrap.
-got a new toy for our travels. so excited. was a last minute, impulse buy. but i think we are going to enjoy it. needs a name still. we'll see. i still haven't named my cameras......
our new friend, the flip.
way cuter than i thought it would be and i had high expectations. hoping the video isn't too crappy! will have to purchase a 'real' camera if kidlets ever make an appearance but figured this would suffice for now.
-it is currently monsooning. hope my the fake flowers i planted this weekend hold up!
-oh, we're taking the laptop not sure about updates, but thought it would be nice to have for reference.... so maybe there will be a random post now and then.
-k. off to cross of stuff from the to do lists... be back around friday the 13th. ;o)



is it a bad thing when your boss tells you that your upcoming vacation is much needed?
it is. the vacation is much need that is. i'm sure i need a bit of a break too. lots going on. but when isn't life crazy?
and nick's work schedule is uber hectic. has to train the pharmacist who is going to cover his two weeks off in two days. yeah, not so fun.
only a few sleeps away.
promise to update before then tho.
just have to make it through tomorrow!



the story of how guinness won himself a new tether.
so we have a system hooked up outside so guinness can run around in the yard. we don't have a fence and haven't trained him on the electric one {not sure that it would work but anywho}. well, when he gets a little excited and starts running laps in the house, we decide it's time to let him out. on his tether.
nick and i are watching sweeny todd {way good} and guinness is being a bit annoying. outside he goes. normally we can hear his id tags clanking around out there or the leash on the deck. after a few minutes of him being outside, nick jumps up and looks outside. sees that his leash is in a very strange spot and thinks... dog cannot still be attached.
sure enough. he's playing next door. next door at the neighbors who aren't very fond of big dogs. not that i would be thrilled with my little pony playing next to my little kid. but whatevs.
so we, ahem nick, tracks him down and what do we see?

yes, this is staged. had to laugh our asses off for a bit. stinker chewed through the leash. and how do we know it's been chewed through? the globs of saliva on the darn thing! note to parents, don't use cloth materials for a dog with jaws of steel.
now he has some fancy new metal/rope ones that should he ever chew through, would or should have nubs left for teeth. ;o)


calling mr. mojo.

if you've seen some, please send it my way.
it's like i want to scrap... but i have all this crap, erm stuff and it just overwhelms. really need an overhaul in here.
in case you have mojo... help rsc out, if you can.

We have extended the deadline for our page calls for our June/July issue of Ready-Set-Create. We're looking for cards of any theme, any altered art, Dad layouts, summer layouts, vacation layouts, patriotic layouts, felt projects and anything using punches - paper, digi or hybrid, we love it all! If your work is used you will receive a free download of the issue.
Submissions must not be included in any online galleries, blogs, or stores until at least 30 days after the issue your work appears in has been released.

please use this format (below) for submissions and submit to Jen@readysetcreate.com
Project title:

deadline extended to 5/15/08


he peed.

in my car.
that darn dog.
so he gets excited and piddles sometimes. did it a lot when he was younger. has been much, much better. maybe it's him growing up or his parents being nice enough to take him outside before company comes over. who knows.
so guinness is smitten with my lil bro. it's serious. today guinness and i are out running errands. yes, i leave my dog in the car for a few minutes unattended. i used to talk bad about people like me. now, i'm one of them and he likes it.
kevin calls and asks if i can come and pick him up to take him to get rustina, his monty carlo that they've been working on for ages. so i do. and when i get to the house, guinness goes crazy and pees in the backseat. doh!
oh and i still owe you kids the other story. i swear, his nickname could be houdini....


gonna be a big one...

lots going on.
saw jersey boys this weekend. awesome, awesome, awesome. think we are gonna get nick's dad tickets for father's day and go with him. maybe this time we can have non nosebleed seats. see we bought them from a friend. said friend neglected to tell us these tickets were 'limited viewing' so nick had a freaking pole in front of him. sigh. still good tho.
hit up the container store after the show. shopping spree bonanza. lots of organizing done after that visit. love a good spring cleaning.
haven't been in a scrappy mood. think it's the overwhelming pile 'o stuff in the room. must downsize or something.
made some kick ass enchiladas for cinco de mayo yesterday. muy bueno. two thumbs up for both nick and myself. super easy recipe too. if you are interested, you can get the recipe here.
voted today. told nick i wanted to be a democan or a republicrat. he said, 'you mean moderate.' eh, what does he know?! ha. but yes, i would like a combination of all the nominees/candidates please. got up early to go. were surprised to see so many peeps there. not that it was crowded, just not what i expected only 30 minutes after the polls opened.
got some nice nurse's day presents. always makes me smile to be remembered/acknowledged. ya know?
have been hella lazy. exercised once in the past two or so weeks. eek. must start again. and then when i exercise i can catch up on all my tivo'd goodness!
excited for friday. have the day off... yay! hope it stays that way. thinking i might be able to trick the dog into sleeping after nick leaves and i can stay upstairs and scrap. ;o)
think that was most of my randomness for the day. have to get ready for a maybe mini mariokart-athon. friends are stopping by and if we can contain their little one, it might be on. and did you know we can play online? brandy, if you and jason are online, let me know! and that goes for the rest of you wii-ers! ;o)



there's a croc outlet by me now. well, not really near me. a bit aways, but still! went last night. and the bonus was that nurses get a 10% discount. how fun! so i picked up two mother's day gifts. none for me... shocking, i know.
also returned one of the coach purses i bought on black friday. i just wasn't using it. so yay returns.
and if you need some info on politics. check out this site. nick and i have been studying up for tuesday.
oh and i'm feeling green. have discussed starting a recycling program at work. it's just sad all of the waste here... go me. ;o)