

can i please go on another one?
felt well rested after jamaica, then went to work and had a super busy week. then had the byom get together in chicago. which was exhausting. a blast, but whoa, was i beat. about 6ish hours of sleep in one weekend, does not cut it for shannon!
work was crazy again and i'm hoping to relax this weekend.
guinness passed his puppy class with flying colors. has a cute little certificate and everything. however, we aren't 100% about what we are going to do next. i think his pitbull tendencies are coming through. so we have a private puppy class with this company. they have an excellent reputation and i just want to make sure we do everything correctly. okay, that might not be worded properly but i want the little g man to be well behaved. no growling, no nipping, and listening all the time, not just when it's suits him.
my external hard drive is in the process of crashing. have all the pictures burned to dvds. just have to upload them to scrapbook pictures and flickr.
watched saw 3 last night. holy heck. each time i watch one, i swear i will not watch the next. but now i'm anxious to know how it plays out. must watch a funny one tonight to make up for it!
have lots of scrappies to do. sooo excited for the goodies coming from byom. cannot wait! working on rsc stuff today. lots of goodies this month, hope i can find time to squeeze something about with everything! working on a fun page for my article. it features a challenge blog. working on the details, but might include a challenge with it. jen has some prizes, hoping to figure it out. i'll keep you posted here!
diggin the weather warm up. 20 was way too cold. i'm so not ready for winter. ack.
deck is getting there. so proud of those boys. has taken forever and this daylight savings isn't helping with time!
putting up an electric fence for guinness too. hope it works!
kittys are same. thinking of getting a kitty tower for them. they are currently hanging out on my dining room table. found a cute one at petsmart, have to figure out transportation details tho!
excited for football tomorrow. bears are off of their bye. really hoping they can beat oakland. and looking forward to the indy/chargers game.
cannot believe it's almost thanksgiving. seriously, christmas is coming! eek! throwing around some project ideas but who knows if i will actually find the time to complete them.
have ditched yoga/pilates for over a month. and might not go this week for private puppy classes. i'm thinking if they were pissed that we weren't showing up, they would call. we pay monthly automatically so i would think they were happy with just having that money. we shall see. hoping the schedule settles a bit!
k. enough procrastinating/bloggin. must do some work!

1 comment:

Kache said...

Yay for Guinness! Smarty doggy. And that kitty tower sounds big. Yay for new scrappy stuff coming, I hope to be able to play with stuff soon too.
Can't wait to see the deck!