
external hard drive...

in the hizzy. so excited. nick hooked it up. just have to transfer the files. now i can upload all my pics to flickr, scrapbookpictures.com, and here!!
so i'll start with the winners of my coach questions.
there are three. krystn and brandy with the correct number of items. and bre for closest monetary value {without going over bob}. i bought five items for about$580. retail would have been over $1300. egads, right?
here they are....
the one i had to have.

then the extras. the ginormo one is for nick's mom. not sure what came over me, lots of my peeps were way shocked. but hey, it was about what we would have spent on little things, so why not?

so congrats girlies. thinking on prizes. keep your eyes open....
thought i should snap a pic of the new car. it isn't the greatest. sucks going to work when it's dark and coming home when it's dark. maybe i can pull it into the driveway tomorrow. it's going to the shop on monday. should have it back thursday with all the new upgrades.
here she is...

averaging just over 38 miles to the gallon. which is huge. when i first got the car, the mileage was not so great. really hoping to hit that 40 mark...
the foot. here it is... one week later.

pardon the crappy pics. best i could do by myself. was bruise free on the outerside until work on monday. just had some pain and swelling. feeling better. still not great but improving. the second pic shows the bruise under my big toe. got that one falling down the stairs on sunday. seriously. what the hell? and please no one call me colleen or heather... kidding! ;o)
was at bath and body works today. found some super comfy, warm socks... with grips on the bottom. bought 2 pair! one is even supposed to moisturize while you're wearing them...
officially at a scrappy block. think it's the foot. cracked open some wine. moscado to be exact. quite yummy. not so winey. more fruity. a white. i think you reisling likers would enjoy. hoping that helps.
pup gets nipped monday. gonna miss him for that day he's gone... i think. gonna laugh for sure when i see his little cone head tuesday. okay, not little. heffer weighs in at 57.5 pounds. not even 6 months. almost. but not quite! he can stop any time!
and a picture update of guinnea pig.
one of him and nicholas... just so you can see him in relation to a human.

and a fun one. just because.


Anonymous said...

I like the one 'you had to have'.

Guiness is getting big, and so cute.

And must add those socks to my Christmas list!


Kache said...

omg he's huge! but cute still, so that's good.
Hope the socks help with your tripping issue :)

I was just at the coach site and those things are scary pricey, I really like the first one especially. You'll be the popular gift giver.

Colleen said...

OMG! I'm so behind but that's similar to how my foot looked after my chicago spill (not to be confused by my vacation spill). The vacation spill foot was WAY WAY worse. I still have pain but if it's this way forever, I'll consider myself lucky since it was a REALLY bad injury.

And woohoo on the coach purchases. i like the ginormo one you got for the MIL.