
murder mystery.

first of all, does anyone know how to download pictures from snapfish? my friend's dad put the pictures from the murder mystery party on snapfish. i want to snag them all and add them to my flickr account. any ideas how? might have to have nick investigate this project!
here's a teaser...

nick digs his fangs. he is such a vampire freak. the role was perfect. had a fang mishap prior to the party. had to run to walgreens for some fixodent. boys!

he even won best costume. funny. neither of us voted for him. we voted for jason's fairy man. there isn't a great picture of him. but it was an excellent costume in our opinion, i guess because we did help him come up with the idea! ;o)

so for the actual party. it was WAY confusing. too many things to do for each character. too much unnecessary killing. the people who participated in the first murder mystery party said that one was better. kinda surprised me, because i thought that the first time would be the hardest... not really sure what to do and stuff.
as overwhelmed and disappointed that i was, i would definitely do it again. i guess just in hopes that it would turn out better. but i did have a great evening with friends, so that counts for something!


Kache said...

Sorry the mystery part didn't go as planned, but you two sure have great costumes...Nick looks like a vampire who might be lounging in his den, hysterical!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Sorry it was as much fun as you hoped.


Colleen said...

bummer you were disappointed. Definitely give it another whirl and see if it was just a flook/fluke (how do you spell that word?).


I don't think you can download from Snapfish. That's how they get ya... you have to order prints from your friend's pictures. :O\

TracyDacy said...

Love Nick's fangs! You look really pretty Shannon.

Breana said...

how fun! sorry it wasn't that great of a mystery but at least you still want to do it again! great pics!