
10 days later...

it has been a blur. this sickness is not my friend. it can so leave anytime now. really, i'm done with it. i have never been this tired in my life, nor have i coughed so violently. and the amount of pills i was consuming. yuckola. over 10 every morning before work. cannot imagine how sick i would have been without out them... not nice. seems to be better. just hoping i'm normal soon...

so before i became typhoid mary, the weather was nice enough to play with guinness outside. snapped some of these the night i dropped that effen tamron lens on my toe. and nick was more concerned about the lens... nice... and by the way, the lens and toe are fine.

his legs don't seem to be bothering which is super exciting. think we're holding off on surgery to see how he does. have found a place in indianapolis that does a newer and less expensive procedure for torn ligaments. hoping we don't have to go down there. hoping the bedrest has helped him heal on his own. but glad to know we have a few options if guinness needs surgery.

this warmer weather means walks. and reteaching him on how to do so like a nice puppy.

nick was cracking up before easter festivities yesterday. next thing i know, he has the camera. good husband. don't stop bad behavior, take pictures, then stop behavior and move daffodils! ;o)


Liz Goldhawk said...

wow! has he ever gotten big!!! I'm so glad to hear his leg(s) seem to be doing better. I hope the bedrest did the trick. LOVE the pictures of him and the daffodils! Great catch, Nick!

Heather said...

ha! cute pics- glad he's doing well! and YOU get better!

Breana said...

what cute pics. i can't believe how big that pup is!!!

Kache said...

oh no! poor lens...poor foot.
the daffodil pics are really cute. I'm glad guinness is feeling better. hopefully he doesn't need any surgery!