posting now, so i don't forget amidst all the chaos!
rsc is hosting a nsd crop. should be fun. scrapping, games, prizes. the blog will have updated info, if i'm slacking and don't get a chance to update you know where to go!
check it out pretty please. hope to pop in from time to time and would love to see you there! ;o)
have a ton on our plates right now. figured i should write before i go into hiding. or my ulcer kills me. or my husband kills me... kidding.
we are listing our house, hopefully, in the next two weeks. don't know if i could handle five days of prep time... not with the other projects i have on my plate: dt responsibilities, recipe swaps...
nick's dad and his girlfriend work at the same company. this company might have to close their doors in 90 days. they are losing a major customer and if they can't replace their business, will go out of business. scary enough when one person loses their job. but both. at the same time. oy. needless to say, they won't be buying our house.
so nervous for them. hoping we can get our house sold quickly. then in the meantime, could live with them and split rent. and when our house is finished they can live with us. sigh. keeping my fingers crossed that things will work out for them.
always something, isn't it?
so if i'm hibernating it's nothing personal. hopefully, my husband hasn't killed me yet! ;o)
we are listing our house, hopefully, in the next two weeks. don't know if i could handle five days of prep time... not with the other projects i have on my plate: dt responsibilities, recipe swaps...
nick's dad and his girlfriend work at the same company. this company might have to close their doors in 90 days. they are losing a major customer and if they can't replace their business, will go out of business. scary enough when one person loses their job. but both. at the same time. oy. needless to say, they won't be buying our house.
so nervous for them. hoping we can get our house sold quickly. then in the meantime, could live with them and split rent. and when our house is finished they can live with us. sigh. keeping my fingers crossed that things will work out for them.
always something, isn't it?
so if i'm hibernating it's nothing personal. hopefully, my husband hasn't killed me yet! ;o)
technical difficulties.
my hard drive crashed. again. twice in less than four years. bummer. nick knew it was gonna happen. had the lovely screen of death like in october. well, it bit the bullet. dead. lost all my flipping bookmarks. do you know how frustrating that is?
we were prepared. had an extra drive here just in case. yes, we are dweebs.
thankfully, i have religiously stored any other information on my external hard drive.
finally up and running. having a computer geek husband has some serious perks. and he didn't have to use the new one... YET. keeping my fingers crossed.
kinda frustrated that i didn't get to do my recipe swap pages yet. this weekend was my time to learn digi. properly. hoping to still find some time this afternoon.
but we were able to do lots of stuff around the house. cleaned our windows and screens. weeded the yard and flowers. cut the grass. yay spring cleaning. have lots of little projects left on my list.
grilled last night too! yum and yay! loving this weather.
today we donated blood. my first time. was a little nervous. almost didn't have a chance. apparently honduras is a malaria ridden country. nice. we passed and moved right along. amazingly, i have a bruise from the blood pressure cuff/tourniquet. what the heck is that about? anywho. felt good.
hmmm. had a busy work week. like i said, the boss was away. so glad she's back on monday. not only did i miss her as a person, but i'm tired of that responsibility!
tuesday we hit the sox game. got free tickets. can't pass those up. unfortunately, they lost and it was freaking cold. like almost freezing. i think the game time temp was 40 degrees. brrrr. had our picture taken. totally need to order it. you can check it out here. the game was tuesday april 17 and we're in gallery 7.
and then the very next day they go and have a no hitter. what? we skipped that one for yoga. never again!
wednesday again was yoga. ran into some troubles there. love that people just assume that you will provide your services. i don't care if they are family. they shouldn't expect it. they should have the courtesy to ask and understand that you have obligations as well. thankfully, a friend stepped in and i might have averted that disaster! thank you liz!
oh and yay... signed up for the garage sale at my lss. so excited. might be the spring cleaning urges too. can't wait to load up boxes of stuff and purge!
we were prepared. had an extra drive here just in case. yes, we are dweebs.
thankfully, i have religiously stored any other information on my external hard drive.
finally up and running. having a computer geek husband has some serious perks. and he didn't have to use the new one... YET. keeping my fingers crossed.
kinda frustrated that i didn't get to do my recipe swap pages yet. this weekend was my time to learn digi. properly. hoping to still find some time this afternoon.
but we were able to do lots of stuff around the house. cleaned our windows and screens. weeded the yard and flowers. cut the grass. yay spring cleaning. have lots of little projects left on my list.
grilled last night too! yum and yay! loving this weather.
today we donated blood. my first time. was a little nervous. almost didn't have a chance. apparently honduras is a malaria ridden country. nice. we passed and moved right along. amazingly, i have a bruise from the blood pressure cuff/tourniquet. what the heck is that about? anywho. felt good.
hmmm. had a busy work week. like i said, the boss was away. so glad she's back on monday. not only did i miss her as a person, but i'm tired of that responsibility!
tuesday we hit the sox game. got free tickets. can't pass those up. unfortunately, they lost and it was freaking cold. like almost freezing. i think the game time temp was 40 degrees. brrrr. had our picture taken. totally need to order it. you can check it out here. the game was tuesday april 17 and we're in gallery 7.
and then the very next day they go and have a no hitter. what? we skipped that one for yoga. never again!
wednesday again was yoga. ran into some troubles there. love that people just assume that you will provide your services. i don't care if they are family. they shouldn't expect it. they should have the courtesy to ask and understand that you have obligations as well. thankfully, a friend stepped in and i might have averted that disaster! thank you liz!
oh and yay... signed up for the garage sale at my lss. so excited. might be the spring cleaning urges too. can't wait to load up boxes of stuff and purge!
a naughty post...
just wanted to warn everyone. seriously. not bad in my book, but i am a bit off....
saw this bumper sticker on my way to work thursday... yes, i'm a dork and whipped out my camera. had to have proof this silly sticker existed. and i figured since the bumper sticker made me laugh, i might make someone else laugh by being the crazy fool driving down the road trying to take a picture of an effen bumper sticker. okay, maybe i wouldn't make them laugh... but oh well!

what witty son of a guns. the ES ruins the sticker in my opinion... kidding.
k. other serious news. ah, i got nothing.
hung with our friends, the new neighbors, friday. awesome. able to walk to their house. felt like we were little again running through the yards to get there. but i'm not sure we did it drunk or with paper bags full of liquor and games. nor do i think the bags would have ripped when we were younger. which then left me standing there laughing hysterically at like midnight in somewhere in between our houses... nice!
saturday was the crazy work wedding. crazy is an understatement. had a blast tho. left early to hit a bar with a coworker and an ex-coworker {dude, i almost typed excon. so not would have been good.} good times. lots of drinks. lots of laughs. and one picture of nick and i... maybe there are two. don't remember. ;o) but i do know that we are crazily pale. where the heck is the sun?!

and today. i recouperated. have a long work week. boss is in vegas and guess who's in charge?
saw this bumper sticker on my way to work thursday... yes, i'm a dork and whipped out my camera. had to have proof this silly sticker existed. and i figured since the bumper sticker made me laugh, i might make someone else laugh by being the crazy fool driving down the road trying to take a picture of an effen bumper sticker. okay, maybe i wouldn't make them laugh... but oh well!
what witty son of a guns. the ES ruins the sticker in my opinion... kidding.
k. other serious news. ah, i got nothing.
hung with our friends, the new neighbors, friday. awesome. able to walk to their house. felt like we were little again running through the yards to get there. but i'm not sure we did it drunk or with paper bags full of liquor and games. nor do i think the bags would have ripped when we were younger. which then left me standing there laughing hysterically at like midnight in somewhere in between our houses... nice!
saturday was the crazy work wedding. crazy is an understatement. had a blast tho. left early to hit a bar with a coworker and an ex-coworker {dude, i almost typed excon. so not would have been good.} good times. lots of drinks. lots of laughs. and one picture of nick and i... maybe there are two. don't remember. ;o) but i do know that we are crazily pale. where the heck is the sun?!
and today. i recouperated. have a long work week. boss is in vegas and guess who's in charge?
soy un perdidor
pardon my beck. {click the link if you want the crazy song in your head!} not sure if i spelled that correctly. who would have known i took two years of spanish. sigh. oh well.
yes, i'm a loser. i promise to keep up and i don't. slacker. i sorry.
not much new. easter and birthday marathon weekend is over. thank goodness. kinda sad that i wanted to go back to work on monday. i know, crazy. now i'm ready for the weekend. have an appointment with our vet. aka christy. soon to be mama. smart ass told the girls up front we were bringing the kitties in for lipo... not just a check up. i'm gonna get her! ;o)
also have a wedding. should be totally interesting. for a coworker. might be lots of drama to sit back and watch. it's always so much more enjoyable when it isn't your own family. bad shannon.
lets see. ditched yoga last week. family drama in the making. totally diverted. went this week. feel so much better. we are signing up for another session. now we just have to get our butts in gear and practice at home. did some crazy breathing through only one nostril tonight. confused the bejesus out of me. the lady was like, 'it's okay. i'll walk you through it.' um, i really had a hard time concentrating. there was whistling throughout the room. yeah, i'm mature too!
k. what else. oh yeah, maybe planning a crazy vacation. with nick's dad and his girlfriend. her daughter and her nephew. nick and myself in a rv. teehee. we shall see.
oh and to all you moms out there... any awesome gifts you would recommend for all these mommies to be? something most people may not think of? any specific milestones if i make a book? any input would be appreciated. ;o)
oh and i'm gonna update my gallery. so check it, if you're interested. lots of stuff from rsc. seriously, i think everything i did the past few months went there!
yes, i'm a loser. i promise to keep up and i don't. slacker. i sorry.
not much new. easter and birthday marathon weekend is over. thank goodness. kinda sad that i wanted to go back to work on monday. i know, crazy. now i'm ready for the weekend. have an appointment with our vet. aka christy. soon to be mama. smart ass told the girls up front we were bringing the kitties in for lipo... not just a check up. i'm gonna get her! ;o)
also have a wedding. should be totally interesting. for a coworker. might be lots of drama to sit back and watch. it's always so much more enjoyable when it isn't your own family. bad shannon.
lets see. ditched yoga last week. family drama in the making. totally diverted. went this week. feel so much better. we are signing up for another session. now we just have to get our butts in gear and practice at home. did some crazy breathing through only one nostril tonight. confused the bejesus out of me. the lady was like, 'it's okay. i'll walk you through it.' um, i really had a hard time concentrating. there was whistling throughout the room. yeah, i'm mature too!
k. what else. oh yeah, maybe planning a crazy vacation. with nick's dad and his girlfriend. her daughter and her nephew. nick and myself in a rv. teehee. we shall see.
oh and to all you moms out there... any awesome gifts you would recommend for all these mommies to be? something most people may not think of? any specific milestones if i make a book? any input would be appreciated. ;o)
oh and i'm gonna update my gallery. so check it, if you're interested. lots of stuff from rsc. seriously, i think everything i did the past few months went there!
where in the world did the time go?
honestly, i'm not even sure i can tell you what we did! okay, maybe i do know. lots of soccer. lots of movies. family time. = bad bloggin shannon.
k. soccer. nick finally finished one of his indoor leagues. tournament night last thursday. was totally tricked into watching three hours of soccer. but hey, that gets me good wifey points! and then i ditched sunday's game. i had totally put in my hours!
movies: blades of glory. hil-freakin-larious! nick and i don't venture out to the movies often, but definitely had to make the trip for this one.
and then we've been netflix fools: the descent, shark tale, happy feet, jet li's fearless, the devil wears prada, the departed, nanny mcphee. seriously, LOVE netflix. we get in spurts. no movies and then all of a sudden, that's all we want to do. so apparently we were making up for lost time!
also moved our friends in. kinda nice having them close by. haven't really gotten the chance to hang out tho. darn grown up lives. but it's still fun to think that we can walk through our yards to visit! will be sad when we move . but that looks to be pushed back a bit. no worries. must be meant to be. i'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason. so we shall wait. and save. and take our time. really don't want to rush ourselves or anyone else for that matter.
found out that we're gonna have a nephew. nick's sister is due late august.
our friends are due in june. that's gonna be a surprise baby! can't wait!
what else... work. scrapping. {well, not much since my rsc deadline. that was exhausting!} chilling.
hoping to get some easter eggs decorated tomorrow. so fun. that's after my haircut. thinking of doing something new. might be time. will have to talk with my lady!
um, i think and hope that's it. have some easter funnies to share later. made me giggle. oh and have you kids seen this? quite funny. nick agreed. so glad he had some hobbies on there too! ;o)
honestly, i'm not even sure i can tell you what we did! okay, maybe i do know. lots of soccer. lots of movies. family time. = bad bloggin shannon.
k. soccer. nick finally finished one of his indoor leagues. tournament night last thursday. was totally tricked into watching three hours of soccer. but hey, that gets me good wifey points! and then i ditched sunday's game. i had totally put in my hours!
movies: blades of glory. hil-freakin-larious! nick and i don't venture out to the movies often, but definitely had to make the trip for this one.
and then we've been netflix fools: the descent, shark tale, happy feet, jet li's fearless, the devil wears prada, the departed, nanny mcphee. seriously, LOVE netflix. we get in spurts. no movies and then all of a sudden, that's all we want to do. so apparently we were making up for lost time!
also moved our friends in. kinda nice having them close by. haven't really gotten the chance to hang out tho. darn grown up lives. but it's still fun to think that we can walk through our yards to visit! will be sad when we move . but that looks to be pushed back a bit. no worries. must be meant to be. i'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason. so we shall wait. and save. and take our time. really don't want to rush ourselves or anyone else for that matter.
found out that we're gonna have a nephew. nick's sister is due late august.
our friends are due in june. that's gonna be a surprise baby! can't wait!
what else... work. scrapping. {well, not much since my rsc deadline. that was exhausting!} chilling.
hoping to get some easter eggs decorated tomorrow. so fun. that's after my haircut. thinking of doing something new. might be time. will have to talk with my lady!
um, i think and hope that's it. have some easter funnies to share later. made me giggle. oh and have you kids seen this? quite funny. nick agreed. so glad he had some hobbies on there too! ;o)
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